Grapevine Online Exclusives

The Day The Obsession Lifted

After numerous relapses, a newcomer desperate for a drink allows someone else to take the wheel—and sees a glimmer of hope on the road ahead

I got my 90-day chip yesterday and today marks day 93. It’s been quite a ride. About four days before I left rehab, my wife asked me what she should do with the beer still left in our refrigerator. I said I didn’t know, but that was all I could think about the last few days I was there. I had good intentions of staying sober while I was in treatment and when I got out, but the obsession got to me on my drive home and I ended up drinking those beers that night. Then, of course, I went to the liquor store, downed a bottle of vodka, and ended up driving my car into a ditch during a snowstorm that night.


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