Grapevine Online Exclusives

Relapse Prevention

When alcoholism has you hook, line and sinker, what’s the best way to avoid a slip? Steps, Meetings, Service, Sponsorship. And repeat.

My alcoholism was like a fishhook. I didn’t know I had it until it was too late and it had sunken deep. I used to think I drank out of boredom, loneliness or because I was a single mom and struggling to make ends meet. I used to think it was my "problems" that caused me to drink. That may have been true, in the beginning, back when I had a choice. But toward the end of my drinking, all those things were honestly just excuses I told myself and others. I know today that I am an alcoholic who drinks because I have a mental obsession that tells me I need to drink. Once I drink, much like an allergy, a craving takes over that tells me I need more and more, until I drink myself into oblivion.


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