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June 1947

A.A.'s Country-wide News Circuit

More and Better Clubs

Formal opening of new clubrooms last month was held by Mankato, Minn., A.A.s, with speakers from Colfax, Wis., and Minneapolis. A local member gave a brief history and a letter from Bill W. was read. According to the president of the Alano society there, the group was two years old early this spring and has grown from two men, who started out in July, 1944, and by March, 1945, had drawn in five others. First meeting in homes, a local hotel room was used later and served until March, 1946, when two rooms were leased in a downtown building. This year 2,600 square feet of space in a new building were leased for four and a half years. The 46 regular members spent about $4,000 in fixing up the quarters. Mankato has four women members, one of whom is the oldest in sobriety. Quarters for the club in Denver, Colo., have been enlarged substantially during the past six months and the membership is still growing. In Omaha, Nebr., a drive for the building fund closed last month. About $2,500 was put into the clubroom, including a kitchen with modern, complete equipment for social activities. Redecoration, remodeling, lighting and modern furniture were included in improvements. The recreation room in the basement is not complete, but the final drive is expected to take care of this.


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