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July 1947

A.A.'s Country-wide News Circuit

Skid Row Feels A.A. Impact

A San Francisco newspaper article begins "Down along San Francisco's Skid Row, for a little army of approximately 300 persons who were bums once and are men again, the talking mice don't climb out of the necks of bottles any more." Then the article goes on to tell of the transformation of their lives when on January 20 the big sun-flooded club at 235 Minna Street was opened. A one-time Catholic shelter, it became Unit Fourteen of A.A. in San Francisco. By way of creating atmosphere a big American flag and a picture of firm-chinned Admiral Halsey were tacked up to encourage the fighting spirit. The article goes on to tell of the brave struggles made by many who are finding a way out and concludes: "Medicine and the clergy have tried for years to cure these people and failed. Now, with something in their own souls, they are curing themselves. Some day, brother, there won't be any Skid Row."


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