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January 1948

A.A.'s Country-wide News Circuit

Regional Meeting January 31

The first assembly session of the newly designated Central-Atlantic Region group of Alcoholics Anonymous will be held at the Statler Hotel in Washington, D. C., on January 31. Bill W will head up the speakers at the dinner which will follow regional meetings and a forum. The new region embraces Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia and arrangements are being made for about 1,000 visitors. Tremendous growth in the number of groups in the region caused members of the Washington Group, which began in 1939, to feel that it would be wise to combine its annual dinner with a regional meeting and ask the cooperation and participation of all groups in the region. The assembly is scheduled for the entire day of January 31 at the hotel with the forums and gatherings in the morning and afternoon. The dinner in the evening will climax the day.


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