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April 1948

A.A.'s Country-wide News Circuit

Housing Problem

From Chicago comes the report that a group of hungry A.A. members are facing a housing problem. Overcrowded conditions have occurred, says a spokesman of the group, because a simple little luncheon held in 1946 has grown, like all A.A. activities, to huge proportions. A few members started meeting for luncheon in a "Loop" department store restaurant. Soon they had outgrown one table and moved to a private dining room. At present the daily luncheon guests number more than 30 and are increasing each day. If the increase continues the diners may spill over to such an extent that they will occupy most of the main dining room! Also from the Chicago area comes the news that the Skokie Group has grown to such proportions that a split was necessary. The group also boasts of three husband and wife combinations and one mother and son.


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