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May 1948

A.A.'s Country-wide News Circuit

Better Than Commuting

Two dejected inmates of La Tuna Federal Prison, just outside of El Paso, Texas, whose constant bouts with the jug had finally landed them shaking behind bars, one day discussed A.A., something vague and intangible to them, but yet a possible ray of light in what had become total darkness. Calling upon a member of the prison parole board, the pair asked if it were possible to contact A.A. and perhaps find a solution to their problem. "I've tried everything," admitted one, "and anything would be better than commuting between the prison cell and the bars." Moved by the earnestness and sincerity of the two men, and gratified that there were men in the prison who sought to improve their lives, the board member immediately dispatched word to the El Paso Group. Here was a real opportunity for 12th Step work, and the group rose to the occasion. With the full blessing of the warden, parole board and prison chaplain, the new La Tuna Group was launched with 26 prisoners attending, and eight members of the El Paso Group sitting in as organizers and general informants. A second meeting held a week later brought one additional member into the fold, and today the La Tuna Group is well on its way to becoming an effective and determined organization. It is the second major piece of 12th Step work done by the El Paso Group, which numbers approximately 60 members, and which has been in existence for two and one-half years. A Spanish-speaking group was started a short time ago among members of that race who found it difficult to discuss their problems and capture the spirit of A.A. with English-speaking A.A. members.


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