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August 1948

News Circuit of A.A.s From All Parts of the World

Treatment Needed

Chicago, (INS) "There are more than 750,000 who are 'sick persons' in need of competent treatment, Dr. Robert V. Seliger told members of the American Medical Association. Dr. Seliger is chief psychiatrist of the Neuropsychiatric Institute, Baltimore, Md. Terming alcoholism a symptom of emotional or nervous illness Dr. Seliger said that the alcoholic cannot stop drinking or handle alcohol at will because it handles him. 'This domination,' Dr. Seliger continued, 'is shown by alcohol's interference with one or more of his important life activities, such as his job standing and ability, his reputation or the harmony of his home. For any or all of these reasons, the alcoholic should be recognized as being a sick person who needs competent treatment.' Workers in all fields of public health and welfare are finding that alcoholism creates turmoil of all types. The psychiatrist also sounded a warning to the more than 3,000,000 'heavy social drinkers in the U.S.A.' He said, "The dangers of heavy social drinking should be more thoroughly understood. In industry, heavy social drinking produces inefficiency, absenteeism and serious errors in judgment.' "


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