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November 1946

An Alcoholic's Wife Finds Many Ways to Help

When the alcoholic member of a family makes his first contact with A.A., and starts upon the new life, it is a moment of great happiness for all those nearest to him. To me the hand of God is most evident at this moment of transition. Suddenly one who seemed lost changes into a new creature, seeking only the good. Yesterday he was a poor, confused soul, torn between appetite and self-disgust. Today he steps forth with the aspirations of a saint. What happened at this moment to the inexorable laws of nature, to "cause and effect," to all the rules that a man must suffer the consequences of his misdeeds? For some inexplicable reason they have been momentarily set aside; and the poor debauched sinner finds himself upon a new road, with new hope in his heart. To a wife who has watched her husband rushing toward his doom, whose imagination could envisage only some horrible climax, this event is nothing less than a miracle. I say this as one who has scoffed at such things as miracles during most of my life.


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