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June 2003

It Beats Being a Jerk

Step Six

It is not easy to write on the Sixth Step. So I shall have to do some sharing. My first response is resistance. I greatly admire and approve of all Twelve Traditions. Although I am not an alcoholic, I have also tried to incorporate Steps Two through Twelve as part of my discipline of daily living--with one exception. I find myself bridling and resisting Step Six. I most certainly do not feel "entirely ready to have God remove all my defects of character." True, I certainly admit to having defects of character, and I am more than ready to rely on a power greater than myself to provide me with the strength to admit them and to provide me with forgiveness. I am more than willing to work Steps Four and Five, but to assert that I am entirely ready to have God remove all my defects of character just goes against my grain.


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