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October 1945

Washington, D.C., Has New Clinic for Alcoholics

Long-sought psychiatric help for Washington, D. C. alcoholics is now available at the volunteer clinic in Room 6145 of Municipal Center. Despite its modest beginning, the clinic, which grew out of proposals from A.A., marks a long step forward in the scientific treatment of alcoholics. In operation two full days a week, it is working in close cooperation with A.A. Dr. Michael M. Miller, psychiatrist of St. Elizabeth's Hospital, who volunteered his services, is conducting the clinic with the assistance of Dr. Ruth E. Stocking, also a volunteer. Precautions have been taken to keep the clinic entirely separate from jails, courts and punishment institutions, although judges are expected to parole alcoholics into the care of the clinic for treatment rather than punishment. Dr. Miller has said there will be a three-point program, consisting of physical care first, then mental, and finally the patients will be turned over to A.A.


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