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December 1946

A.A.'s Country-wide News Circuit

Welcome in West

A.A. Grapevine's Los Angeles correspondent writes: "In California where everything is BIG we tried to make our welcome for B--national secretary, just that BIG. . . Come again, B., and stay longer!" Los Angeles A.A.s also report that although they do not believe there are any formal meetings in any studios just now, that after 20 weeks of meetings on the Paramount movie lot the Motion Picture group met for a while at the Hollywood hotel and is now at the Masquers Club, 1765 North Sycamore, between Hollywood Boulevard and Franklin on Sunday nights at 8 o'clock. About 150 attended recent sessions of the group which is an offshoot of the Brack Shops Group of Los Angeles. This correspondent also reports first a move to 730 South Grand where a group was continued for about a year until the building was torn down. Meetings are now held Sunday nights at 2200 West Seventh for this latter group. One new group in the Los Angeles area has been functioning for about six months while another is being formed.


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