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July 1947

A.A.'s Country-wide News Circuit

Tramps" Do Some Traveling

A double claim to the title of "Tramp Group" is made by our correspondent at Vacaville, Calif., who says his organization uses the name because the members are so widely dispersed and because they meet in different localities. Seven towns are represented from three counties with some driving 70 miles to attend and with an average of 30 miles travelled to meetings--and there is little absenteeism. Originally the charter members belonged to a group in Sacramento, none of them living there. Finally a few organized a group in Woodland and began to obtain recruits from neighboring towns so that the group now numbers 27 with about three new members a month being added. Wives travel to the meetings with husbands to enjoy the social hour. Meetings follow the usual plan except there is no "Beginners' Class," some going to Sacramento for that part of the program. The group varies widely in age and has three women members. Present growth may force formation of a new group soon although members feel it might be like breaking up a family. Members often attend meetings in San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, Sacramento and Stockton.


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