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June 1948

A.A.'s Country-wide News Circuit

Officials "Sold

Officials of Santa Clara County, Calif. are "sold" on Alcoholics Anonymous. So firmly do they believe in the group therapy offered by A.A. that Judges, the Sheriff and the District Attorney have agreed to the use of the County Jail Farm and the County Hospital for rehabilitation of those who cannot afford hospitalization or treatment in private institution. Alcoholics who have hit "bottom" and desperately need care and confinement may approach a group committee and make known their need for confinement. If the screening committee believes them to be sincere, the cases are turned over to a "contact man" for the four San Jose, Calif. groups. He in turn notifies the District Attorney and applicants are sent to the "farm" without submitting to legal red tape. Should the alcoholic require hospitalization he may be transferred from the Jail Farm to the County Hospital for treatment. Facilities at both County institutions are excellent. The plan is now in operation and Alcoholics Anonymous members as well as officials of the county regard it as a step forward in the move to consider alcoholics as sick people rather than moral parasites.


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