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Magazine Issue


Highs and Lows

August 2015
A “low-bottom” member makes the case that all of our stories are powerful—and should all weigh the same

Acerca del alcoholismo

July 2014
Aspectos médicos, legales y sociales del alcoholismo

Ocean of Sobriety

July 2014
She wanted to live life to the fullest, not drink it away

Home Group at Rio Rancho

July 2014
For years, he jumped from meeting to meeting until he learned the value of a place called home

Brighter Day

July 2014
Now that's he sober, he's counting the days of his life, not the days until his death

Thought Police

July 2014
An AA looks at the issue of feedback and crosstalk in meetings

Thoughts on the Traditions

July 2014
An AA wonders if we are welcoming enough to newcomers

Later in Life

July 2014
She thought she was different from others, but came to see that she was just a garden variety alcoholic

Why I Stayed

July 2014
An AA talks about how she stayed married for over 30 years through the good and the bad

A Cold January Night

July 2014
The night that he tried to end his life would wind up being the night his life began again


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