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AA News

May 2020 | Getting Into General Service
Thank You, Detroit

A Double life

May 2020 | Getting Into General Service
After decades of sobriety, she was now driving drunk and hiding bottles. The secrecy was killing her

Walking with Bill & Lois

May 2020 | Getting Into General Service
A Stepping Stones volunteer shares his AA story and some wonderful moments at our cofounder’s home

Another chance

May 2020 | Getting Into General Service
An old-timer recalls how AA helped him grieve and gave him the opportunity to give the kind of love a dad can give

Hats off to Tradition 5

May 2020 | Getting Into General Service
He finally put down the bottle and got to a meeting. But what was everyone talking about? And what did it have to do with drinking?

No Longer Alone

May 2020 | Getting Into General Service
With a sponsor’s tough love and unconditional acceptance, he finished his Fifth Step and got back into life

Rusted Servant

May 2020 | Getting Into General Service
Although he recently earned a new title, this past delegate in Canada hasn’t slowed down one bit

Discussion Topic

May 2020 | Getting Into General Service
Many ways to do AA service


May 2020 | Getting Into General Service
She came right up to me. “How many years do you have sober?” she asked. “Almost 17,” I replied. Without missing a beat, she said, “Well, how would you like to be our Intergroup Rep?”

True Love At the Assembly

May 2020 | Getting Into General Service
General service gave her sobriety so many remarkable rewards. But this one was a real surprise


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