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Web Exclusive: Not Too Young

February 2012
Alcoholism doesn't discriminate, so why do people in meetings?

Web Exclusive: The Bedrock of AA

February 2012
A member wonders if the Traditions are given short shrift

Web Exclusive: White Wine Did the Job

March 2011
From a childhood of fear to years of heavy drinking, she finally found AA in Paris

Sober Routines

March 2011
Her sponsor had some suggestions for how to deal with challenging times in sobriety

Not Fooling Anyone, Even Myself

March 2011
An old-timer’s journey out of fear and shame that people would find out he joined AA

To the Rescue

March 2011
Working the Steps again helped her see that she had made another member her Higher Power

Step One on Repeat

March 2011
On her one-year anniversary, a member recalls the fear and excitement of early sobriety

Wreckage of the Past

March 2011
Beautiful things happen when a newcomer gets honest on her one-year anniversary

Web Exclusive: I Fell to My Knees and Simply Prayed, ‘Help’

March 2011
At 18 months, a member expresses her new-found joy in early recovery.

Sober Voices

March 2011
When asked if he heard voices in his head, he had to pause


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