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Steps, Traditions & Concepts

Magazine Issue


Opening the Spiritual Door

January 2016
A member discusses how he came to believe after getting sober

Keeping Pace with HP

January 2016
To maintain his spiritual connection, he laces up his shoes and takes off on a morning run

One Big Tent

January 2016

The Quantum Physics of AA

January 2016
Amongst the subatomic particles of life, he found a higher power

A Year of Seeking God

January 2016
In her fifth year, she decided to focus on Step 11 and build her relationship with her Higher Power

Wisdom to Know

November 1995

Slips and Human Nature

November 1995
Physician-in-Chief of the Charles B. Towns Hospital, be is counted among the founders of AA. In his lifetime be treated some 40,000 alcoholics. - From the January 1947 Grapevine

We Are Not a Bunch of Religious Fanatics!

November 1995
A priest takes a look at our all too often distorted public image - From the April 1972 Grapevine

Letting the Spirit Join In

November 1995
STEP 11: Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God <emphasis type="underline">as we understood Him,</emphasis> praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.

A Second Skin

November 1995


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