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A New Set of Eyes

September 2018
A meditation on seeing the world with the spiritual pair of glasses provided by AA

Group Inventory: A Privilege and a Duty

September 2018
Bringing your group together on a regular basis for formal reflection and inventory taking helps your group—and AA as a whole

No Off-Season In AA

September 2018
It may take a while to get yourself into “AA shape,” but once you do, stick with it—the rewards can be permanent

Unfit for duty

April 2018

A prayer in the dark

April 2018
A heartbroken newcomer finds comfort one night with a few lifesaving words and some pineapple

A happy tail

April 2018

Sober at 14

April 2018
Young and confused, he stayed close to some old-timers and his life got so much better

War stories

April 2018
Binges, car crashes, funny quips and bottoms. One member has some thoughts about sharing.

My 6:45 am family

April 2018
Each morning, she grabs her mug and joins her heroes at a place she likes to call home

Wonderfully humbling

April 2018
Sitting quietly in his green “cathedral,” he looks up at the birds and knows he's not in charge


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