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About Alcoholism - Alcoholism Information, Research and Treatment

December 1971
New Civil Service Rules

Hope for Skid Row

November 1971
C. A. put copies of the Grapevine in the reading rack of his skid-row hotel, and they kept disappearing. He wrote asking for more Grapevines--he'd found another way to carry the message

Carrying the Message

November 1971
A GV contributor's bonus

The Artist Who Sat in a Daydream

October 1971
Creative workers ask the question: Can I be productive without the alcohol on which I depended? Here, four artists from different fields share their experience after joining AA

The Writer and the Elusive Muse

October 1971

The Alcoholic Who Is Also a Poet

October 1971

No Time for Self-pity

August 1971
<emphasis type="italic">A really busy person never knows how much he weighs</emphasis> Edgar Watson Howe

About Alcoholism - Alcoholism Information, Research and Treatment

August 1971
The Laboratory Drunks

Justifiable" Anger

July 1971
She couldn't afford to lose her temper--and she has the slips to prove it

Comfortable but Not Contented

July 1971
The small degree of happiness experienced yesterday can grow tomorrow


The Carry the Message Project focuses on getting Grapevine and La Vina subscriptions to alcoholics in need. It's not necessary to know the recipient! Sponsor a subscription for someone behind bars, in a treatment facility, nursing home, or who is homebound.

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