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Magazine Issue

A Question of Sanity

May 2024 | How the Steps Changed My Life
A newcomer gets a little Higher Power logic to help him find his way to Step Two

Indeed Miraculous

February 2024 | Getting Through Tough Times
Through AA, he found a new, more powerful relationship with a Higher Power that was with him his whole life

It was Grace

September 2023 | Young & Sober
She came to realize that a Higher Power was looking over her all the time

Safe & Loved

July 2023 | Annual Prison Issue
A gay member shares about his struggles with Step Two and how his grandmother helped out

While You’re Down There…

February 2023 | Making Amends
It was suggested that I throw my shoes up under the bed, and when I got up in the morning, since I was down on my knees anyway, to pray. Well, I did not do that.

The hole in my soul

February 2023 | Making Amends
For years she searched for something bigger and still felt empty, until AA turned on a light


December 2022 | Remote Communities & Sober Holidays
As an active alcoholic, I had been unable to quit drinking for years and years. I tried over and over, but could not find a way to free myself. I was like the frenzied wren.

Hold Me Safe

November 2022 | Fun in Sobriety
A dream, a storm and a letter to his dad helped him find his way to Step Two

My prayer was answered

February 2022 | Getting Through Tough Times
I would say out loud in meetings that, “God let me down. I went to church and was praying to stop drinking and now I’m stuck here in AA.” Finally a guy cross-talked me.

Liquid gratitude

February 2022 | Getting Through Tough Times
Sometimes we don’t need to understand or explain our belief in a Higher Power—we just feel it


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