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The Hands of AA

November 2005
From the October 1991 Grapevine

Please Come Back--If You Can (August 1996)

November 2004
Old-Timers Corner

Sentenced to Sobriety

January 2004
It took a lot more than prisons and lockdown wards to persuade him to stop drinking

Going Solo

December 2003
There are reasons why people say not to make Twelfth Step calls alone. Here's one of them. --Step Twelve - Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all

I Knew Joe

July 2003
Death and despair take a down-and-out rocker to the door of AA. A moment of grace brings him in

Slay the Dragon

July 2003
First she faced her demons. Then she dealt with the shame

Twenty-one and In Trouble Again

July 2003
It took a twenty-two-year-old to turn him around

Hope Springs Eternal

December 1997
In the June Grapevine, we issued a call for articles on working with wet drunks. We received a number of good stories, not only on doing this important Twelfth Step work, but also on the experience of being a wet drunk. You'll find one such story below an

A Hole in the Bucket

February 1992

Around AA

May 1988


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