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One last experiment

October 2019 | Is AA Accessible to all who need it?

"Dr. Bob? One minute please"

September 2019 | Young & Sober
Answering late night calls at St. Thomas Hospital, she was helping alcoholics way before she knew she was one

Upon a Flimsy Reed

October 2014
On first look, she wasn't sure AA had what she wanted, nor that it would work

A Cure for the Insanity

May 2014
Feeling suicidal and unable to stop drinking, she asked for help

1000 Holes

March 2014
For 32 great years, his obsession to drink has been lifted—but not his love for golf

Before and After

March 2014
Until he came into AA, you couldn't trust him with a bag of marbles

Pitfalls in Early Sobriety

March 2014
A member with 120 days describes some of the things that proved difficult

2 Shadows, 1 House

February 2014
AA provides shelter from a double dose of childhood pain

Getting to Know Myself

March 2013
Going to extremes to “prove” he was not gay fueled his need for booze

Pit Stop

January 2013
She spent years hopping from bars to beds until a good friend showed her the way home


The Carry the Message Project focuses on getting Grapevine and La Vina subscriptions to alcoholics in need. It's not necessary to know the recipient! Sponsor a subscription for someone behind bars, in a treatment facility, nursing home, or who is homebound.

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