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The Best Present in Years

December 2015
For a guy who takes meetings into prison, what happened on Christmas Day was such a gift

Home But Not Alone

December 2015
Can someone get sober without a home group, a coffee commitment or a 90 in 90? Two alcoholics in Kentucky find out

Scooped Up

November 2015
Greta helped many women in AA, but luckily for Emily, this day she had time for one more

He snoozes, she rages

October 2015
For weeks, she went out of her way to drive this guy to meetings, only to watch him doze!

Lucky Turns

October 2015
Just when a sober trucker decides to switch gears, his HP sends him on a most unexpected route

The Mysterious Social Director

September 2015
That elegant woman who seemed to know everyone had caught her eye. It was a moment that would last for decades

Operation: Cooperation

May 2015
A sponsor and sponsee sign up to help get the AA message to doctors in the field

The Guy Who Ruined My Meeting

May 2015
He’s new, he comes in late and he disrupts everything. Someone should do something

Surrounded by Love

May 2015
How a group in Canada showed a man with shaky hands that he was in the right place


The Carry the Message Project focuses on getting Grapevine and La Vina subscriptions to alcoholics in need. It's not necessary to know the recipient! Sponsor a subscription for someone behind bars, in a treatment facility, nursing home, or who is homebound.

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