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A day at the beach

May 2018

Clear head, grateful heart

May 2018
A mother recalls the dark days of her drinking and shares gratitude for the program and the beautiful morning sky

Life of the party

May 2018
Terrified, she opened the door to the Sunset room and heard people laughing. She's been celebrating now for 35 years

War stories

April 2018
Binges, car crashes, funny quips and bottoms. One member has some thoughts about sharing.

23 precious years

February 2018 | Title Goes Here
After alcoholism takes her son, she finds comfort and acceptance in the first three Steps

The Perfect Interview

January 2018 | Sponsorship
Bottle down, tie on, all ready to go. He was going to get this job. He just knew it. So why was everyone staring at him?

Loving arms

December 2017 | Issue Title Here
One of the things I enjoy about AA is going to meetings when I travel or visit a new place.

Delivering the truth

August 2017
It was family pizza night and the food had arrived. So had her moment of clarity

It could have been me

June 2017
A horrible tragedy on the day she got sober reminds a mother when she too was drunk at the wheel

Unwanted visitor

May 2017
From his prison cell, a member writes about the harrowing drunken night he still can’t recall


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