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Steps, Traditions & Concepts


Magazine Issue


Put Yourself in a New Frame of Mind

July 1964
That old escape feeling can work for you in sober living

Those Vulgar Words

July 1964
Comments from a cross section of AA on the speaker with a flair for ripe language

It's Great to Be New

July 1964
A quick refresher on the wonders of finding yourself sober

My Name Is Gwar

July 1964

Closed Meeting Topic

July 1964
<emphasis type="bold">What means have I found helpful in getting out of a bad frame of mind?</emphasis> ("Put Yourself in a New Frame of Mind")

I Hated 'Drunkalogs'

July 1964
Do gruesome stories about our drinking experiences really help anyone?

I Slipped Back to Prison

July 1964
It has been about a month now since you went to your last AA meeting. . .you think you have it all figured out.

Why I'm Glad I'm an Alcoholic

July 1964
How Dr. Karl Menninger's opinion about super-recovery applies to members of AA

It's a Teen-aged Affair

July 1964
Some problems the children of Alcoholics encounter, and how they are meeting them

How Well Can You Listen to Yourself?

July 1964
Anyone who practices listening can hear "The Still Small Voice.


El proyecto "Lleve El Mensaje" se enfoca en obtener suscripciones de Grapevine y La Viña para alcohólicos necesitados. ¡No es necesario conocer al destinatario! Patrocine una suscripción para alguien tras las rejas, en un centro de tratamiento, hogar de ancianos o que esté confinado en su hogar.


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