The Grapevine and La Viña Apps are here!

We are thrilled to announce that the Grapevine and La Viña apps are now available internationally! Reaching new users in Argentina, Australia, Costa Rica, India, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the UK, with more to follow!

Apple QR LV App
Download the Apps for iPhone

Download the Apps for free from the Apple App Store for iPhone.

On your phone or tablet, go to the Apple App Store and search for “Grapevine” or “La Viña.” Tap download…

Google Store QR for GV
Download the Apps for Android

Download the apps for free from the Google Play Store for Android.

On your phone or tablet, go to Google Play, and search for “Grapevine” or “La Viña.” Tap download…

Icon for the Digital Subscription
Grapevine Digital Subscription

New digital users must subscribe to access the monthly digital magazine, archives, and other content. Existing digital subscribers can log into the app using their username and password.

Icon for the FAQs doc
The Apps FAQs

Get answers to frequently asked questions about the Grapevine and La Viña Apps.

For the English version, click here.

For the Spanish version, click here.

You can contact Customer Service through the following phone numbers:

English: (800) 631-6025 US, +1 (570) 567-0431 International
Spanish: (800) 640-8781 USA, +1 (570) 567-0437 International
French: (212) 870-3456

For all subscription-related inquiries, including new subscriptions, address changes, and other questions, email [email protected] or 
[email protected] for Spanish.

For all inquiries regarding the website in English or Spanish, please email [email protected].