The AA Grapevine Half-Hour Variety Hour
Each week long-time AA members Don, Olis, and Sam will interview a different member about their experience, strength and hope, in a casual “meeting after the meeting” manner. Special features will enhance each episode.
Email us at [email protected] with comments, suggestions, jokes, and such. To record an Ask-It-Basket question or a recovery-related joke, call 212-870-3418 or email a voice recording to [email protected].
Use #heardinameeting on social media. Our Tradition of anonymity will be respected with all submissions used on the show. The podcast is available on your favorite podcast platforms and via the player below.
While we provide the podcast at no charge, it is not free to produce. To support the AA Grapevine Podcast, please subscribe to the magazine or purchase one of our books at
Read Notes for Each Episode Below
Season 7, Episode 10: High Fives
Andrew, whose article appears in the September issue of Grapevine, talks to Don and Sam about getting sober at the age of 20 and how he enjoys working with other young members of AA. Andrew talks about getting help from AA, and also needing professional help for issues other than alcoholism. The three have a robust talk about sponsorship, working the Steps, helping others, being honest and AA's cooperation with the medical profession.
While we provide the podcast at no charge, we do have expenses. Grapevine is the only AA entity that does not accept contributions, so to support the AA Grapevine Podcast, please subscribe to Grapevine Magazine in print, online, or on the Grapevine app. You can also provide a subscription to someone in need through our "Carry the Message" program or purchase books or other items at
You can email us at [email protected]. To record an Ask-It-Basket question or a recovery-related joke, call 212-870-3418 or email a voice recording to [email protected]
Season 7, Episode 9: A Wild Child Finds AA
Tina shares with Olis and Sam about alcoholism as a horrific, unpredictable, wild, come-back-at-you disease. She came into AA 40 years ago with a wide open network of nerve endings, but found how to use that energy to help others. Sara sends in a question for the Ask-it-Basket, and there's Listener Feedback from Joe, Patty and Steve.
While we provide the podcast at no charge, we do have expenses. Grapevine is the only AA entity that does not accept contributions, so to support the AA Grapevine Podcast, please subscribe to Grapevine Magazine in print, online, or on the Grapevine app. You can also provide a subscription to someone in need through our "Carry the Message" program or purchase books or other items at
You can email us at [email protected]. To record an Ask-It-Basket question or a recovery-related joke, call 212-870-3418 or email a voice recording to [email protected]
Season 7, Episode 8: A Sense of Belonging
Daniel shares with Don and Olis about getting past his own prejudices and finding a home in AA. The three talk about reaching out and helping alcoholics from different backgrounds. There's also a "History Snippet" from Miley and Don, taken from a 1946 Grapevine article.
While we provide the podcast at no charge, we do have expenses. Grapevine is the only AA entity that does not accept contributions, so to support the AA Grapevine Podcast, please subscribe to Grapevine Magazine in print, online, or on the Grapevine app. You can also provide a subscription to someone in need through our "Carry the Message" program or purchase books or other items at
You can email us at [email protected]. To record an Ask-It-Basket question or a recovery-related joke, call 212-870-3418 or email a voice recording to [email protected]
Season 7, Episode 7: Tastes Like an Alcoholic's Tears
Madeline, who found AA through another 12-Step program, talks with Don and Sam about her quirky home group that doesn't take itself too seriously, but does take sobriety very seriously. The three talk about getting through tough times sober by letting others know you with honesty and perseverance. In this week's feature, the three discuss a Daily Quote from co-founder Bill W.
While we provide the podcast at no charge, we do have expenses. Grapevine is the only AA entity that does not accept contributions, so to support the AA Grapevine Podcast, please subscribe to Grapevine Magazine in print, online, or on the Grapevine app. You can also provide a subscription to someone in need through our "Carry the Message" program or purchase books or other items at
You can email us at [email protected]. To record an Ask-It-Basket question or a recovery-related joke, call 212-870-3418 or email a voice recording to [email protected]
Season 7, Episode 6: It's Worth the Work
Doug, whose story appears in the August issue of Grapevine magazine, talks to Sam and Olis about the events that brought him to AA. He also shares about a very different life that he has today, and how he balances work, family and the AA program.
While we provide the podcast at no charge, we do have expenses. Grapevine is the only AA entity that does not accept contributions, so to support the AA Grapevine Podcast, please subscribe to Grapevine Magazine in print, online, or on the Grapevine app. You can also provide a subscription to someone in need through our "Carry the Message" program or purchase books or other items at
You can email us at [email protected]. To record an Ask-It-Basket question or a recovery-related joke, call 212-870-3418 or email a voice recording to [email protected]
Season 7, Episode 5: Finding Community
Tomy, who serves as a Delegate to the General Service Conference, shares that all his life he wanted to be a part of something and in community with others, but he did not have those things until he found AA. Tomy also shares with Don and Sam his experience growing in service and his work chairing the Conference Literature Committee this year.
While we provide the podcast at no charge, we do have expenses. Grapevine is the only AA entity that does not accept contributions, so to support the AA Grapevine Podcast, please subscribe to Grapevine Magazine in print, online, or on the Grapevine app. You can also provide a subscription to someone in need through our "Carry the Message" program or purchase books or other items at
You can email us at [email protected]. To record an Ask-It-Basket question or a recovery-related joke, call 212-870-3418 or email a voice recording to [email protected]
Season 7, Episode 4: I Told Every Lie I Could Tell
Nyla shares with Don and Sam about reading Bill's Story in the Big Book and thinking "hello me." Nyla grew up a little girl with grown up secrets, and trust was an issue when she came to AA; but she did feel a pull from the program, found long-term sobriety and now sees how important it is to keep her seat and help the next person.
While we provide the podcast at no charge, we do have expenses. Grapevine is the only AA entity that does not accept contributions, so to support the AA Grapevine Podcast, please subscribe to Grapevine Magazine in print, online, or on the Grapevine app. You can also provide a subscription to someone in need through our "Carry the Message" program or purchase books or other items at
You can email us at [email protected]. To record an Ask-It-Basket question or a recovery-related joke, call 212-870-3418 or email a voice recording to [email protected]
Season 7, Episode 3: Trained Feet
Reggie shares about coming into AA, getting sober, getting too busy and letting his program lapse. When tragedy struck, his foundation was shaky and he relapsed for 16 years. Now he's been back for seven years with a new commitment to the program and to helping others. Reggie joins Olis and Sam is discussion of some recent #heardinameeting posts. Cary calls in on the Listener Feedback Phone.
While we provide the podcast at no charge, we do have expenses. Grapevine is the only AA entity that does not accept contributions, so to support the AA Grapevine Podcast, please subscribe to Grapevine Magazine in print, online, or on the Grapevine app. You can also provide a subscription to someone in need through our "Carry the Message" program or purchase books or other items at
You can email us at [email protected]. To record an Ask-It-Basket question or a recovery-related joke, call 212-870-3418 or email a voice recording to [email protected]
Season 7, Episode 2: This is Where I Fit
Lynna talks to Olis and Don about jumping in to AA with both feet. She got a sponsor right away, a sponsor who spoke out of the Big Book, and she started on the Steps too. Lynna found a large group of young friends in AA and that helped her too. In A Newcomer Asks Jen asks when should one get a sponsor. Olis, Don and Sam discuss Listener Feedback from Gerry, Heather, Jen, and Tracy — with an extended discussion about safety in AA.
While we provide the podcast at no charge, we do have expenses. Grapevine is the only AA entity that does not accept contributions, so to support the AA Grapevine Podcast, please subscribe to Grapevine Magazine in print, online, or on the Grapevine app. You can also provide a subscription to someone in need through our "Carry the Message" program or purchase books or other items at
You can email us at [email protected]. To record an Ask-It-Basket question or a recovery-related joke, call 212-870-3418 or email a voice recording to [email protected]
Season 7, Episode 1: I'm Already Free
Andrea, who's story appears in the July Prison issue of Grapevine, talks to Don and Sam about getting sober while incarcerated. She recalls a women who brought a meeting into the facility saying to her "you don't ever have to feel this way again," and it made a huge impact on her. Andrea also tells about giving her Fifth Step to a guard. Andrea helps answer a question in "A Newcomer Asks" as well.
While we provide the podcast at no charge, we do have expenses. Grapevine is the only AA entity that does not accept contributions, so to support the AA Grapevine Podcast, please subscribe to Grapevine Magazine in print, online, or on the Grapevine app. You can also provide a subscription to someone in need through our "Carry the Message" program or purchase books or other items at
You can email us at [email protected]. To record an Ask-It-Basket question or a recovery-related joke, call 212-870-3418 or email a voice recording to [email protected]
Email us at [email protected] with comments, suggestions, jokes, and such. To record an Ask-It-Basket question or a recovery-related joke, call 212-870-3418 or email a voice recording to [email protected].
While we provide the podcast at no charge, it is not free to produce. To support the AA Grapevine Podcast, please subscribe to the magazine or purchase one of our books at