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Magazine Issue


Back to jail

July 2022 | The Annual Prison Issue
She knew what she had to do. Little did she know it would open a door to something she loves

Back to jail

Magazine Issue July 2022 | Topics On the Cover Service/Into Action

What matters most

September 2021 | Young & Sober!
Sometimes the results of our efforts to make amends take years. Sometimes they come after a lot of painful rejection. God’s timing is often mysterious, but it’s perfect.

A tough amend

September 2021 | Young & Sober!
How would he ever make amends to the man he had knifed in the back? In AA, we find a way

What Matters Most

Magazine Issue September 2021 | Topics Emotional Sobriety Family Spirituality

A Tough Amend

Magazine Issue September 2021 | Topics Gratitude Homegroup/Meetings Service/Into Action Spirituality Sponsorship

A Mom’s Return

July 2021 | The Annual Prison Issue
Through living amends, a grateful sober mother comes full circle with the children she once abandoned for booze

A Mom’s Return

Magazine Issue July 2021 | Topics Family Gratitude Personal Stories

Amends with the ex

June 2021 | Dating & Relationships
Luckily, she got another good look in the mirror before meeting an old flame—this time to check her motives

Keys, Title & a Hug

May 2021 | Our Twelve Steps
After hitting a sober bottom, a newcomer gets busy doing the Steps with his sponsor and things start looking up


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