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Magazine Issue


Sharing my truth

Magazine Issue June 2023 | Topics Getting through Adversity Gratitude Personal Stories Relapse Service/Into Action

Changing Boats

November 2013
The fellowship he found in the rooms was much more real than the one he found in the bars

Sober Foundation

November 2013
In AA, she learned how to rebuild her life

Living Without Drinking

November 2013
While living in a halfway house, he learned how to stay sober through service

The Open Hand of Friendship

November 2013
Shaking and scared, a newcomer is taken under the wing of an AA at a meeting

Surrender, Not Submission

November 2013
After a relapse, she changed the way she practiced the program

Sterling's Son

November 2013
After getting sober in AA, he was able to become the son he always had wanted to be

Not Too Early

November 2013
A court order got him into AA but the young people he met helped him stay

I Fell off the Apple Tree

November 2013
Despite his intentions, he became an alcoholic much like his father

Someone Saved My Life Tonight

November 2013
A chance encounter at a meeting changed the course of his life


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