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Magazine Issue


About to blow

July 2017
A newcomer learns to keep the lid on and share to release her crazy thoughts

Security check

July 2017
A call for help in a bar-filled airport brings a pleasant surprise and a safe flight home

No accident

July 2017
A harrowing moment on the highway and a surprising experience at work told her something was looking after her

My Real Third Step

July 2017
After years of unemployment, he faces the loss of his home—but turning his life over to a Higher Power meant finally turning his life around

Magic Words

July 2017
It was just a simple slogan taped to a coffee urn, but way back in 1973 it helped one beginner bet his life on AA

The Glass Palace

July 2017
God has his own way of distributing gifts to those who ask for them—this alcoholic did not know he was even in the queue until his Higher Power intervened

The Diagnosis

July 2017
For a decade after his diagnosis, his choice of medication was alcohol. Sobriety taught him a different way

On the Way to San Jose

June 2015
A son has a spiritual awakening while visiting his sober father

Oliver the Cat

June 2015
Believing in a higher power didn't come naturally to her so she started with a familiar, friendly spirit

Finding a God of My Understanding

June 2015
In sobriety, she was able to separate spirituality from the religion of her childhood


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