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Magazine Issue


Out of the Wasteland

January 2014
She was ready to take the First Step at her very first meeting

All the Love in the World

January 2014
Nothing could fill the emptiness until she sought help to stop drinking

I Remember, I Forget

January 2014
Seven years ago, he hit bottom all alone in a dingy house. Things are very different today

Fourth and Vine

January 2014
He had spent 20 years of his life at the bar on the corner until one winter day

Morning Again

January 2014
Every day was exactly the same. Except one

River of Shadows

January 2014
Sometimes it is in the darkest places that the light is most visible

The Question of When

January 2014
It wasn't clear when he crossed that line and maybe it doesn't matter

The Car Thief

January 2014
Panic set in as he called the police. Someone had stolen his car—and everyone at work had to know

Hula Girl

January 2014
He won the best-dressed contest and a free trip to AA

In His Back Pocket

January 2014
Once he got ready, he knew just the sponsor who'd be the right fit


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