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The Sipping Saint

June 2014
She had thought that good works alone could relieve her of alcoholism

My Pen, Excalibur

June 2014
When she was ready and willing, her Fourth Step inventory proved much easier to do

Like a Duckling

June 2014
At his first meeting, he was just about to leave before going in, when someone stopped him

Sharing Hope

June 2014
She discovered that her correspondence with a prisoner strengthened her own sobriety

From Across the Water

June 2014
Though living on two different continents, they continued their relationship as sponsor/sponsee

Real Treasures

June 2014
When he got sober, he understood the value of certain experiences

The Things That Matter

June 2014
Alcohol no longer is the most important thing in his life

A Free Woman

June 2014
Because the AA volunteers who came looked at her—not through her—she was able to let the program lift her shame

Bottom of the Pile

June 2014
With no AA in a county jail, a newcomer wonders how he’ll stay sober

No Mint On My Pillow

June 2014
Amid the steel and chaos, her Higher Power sat by her every day


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