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Steps, Traditions & Concepts

Magazine Issue



My Oasıs

October 2020 | Money and Sobriety
Except for an occasional scorpion or two, this wonderful desert meeting was her safe, sober home

Time to Up My Game

October 2020 | Money and Sobriety
The first 11 Steps had transformed his life. Now it was time for Step Twelve

Bright Spot in a Crisis

October 2020 | Money and Sobriety
How the new world of virtual meetings gave one member a more powerful connection to the Fellowship

From a Distance

October 2020 | Money and Sobriety
As the COVID crisis continues, she’s more determined than ever to help reach out any way she can

Time to check out

October 2020 | Money and Sobriety
“It’s progress, not perfection.” If you see me “in action” at a grocery store, please, I beg you, don’t tell my sponsor how I acted.

World’s best coffee guy

October 2020 | Money and Sobriety
The new cookie king was about to learn a valuable lesson regarding his group’s prudent reserve

$8 an hour

October 2020 | Money and Sobriety
After liquor destroyed his career, he had to start all over again. With a leap of faith, he took his sponsor’s suggestion


October 2020 | Money and Sobriety
My home group’s treasurer announced that she had spent the entire treasury on herself, including the prudent reserve.
Many group members went berserk.

Safe landing

October 2020 | Money and Sobriety
If ever there was a time for that pink parachute those AAs kept talking about to open, it was right now

Strangers in the night

August 2016
One chilly, wet Friday evening in Independence, a lonely meeting chair learns the importance of making some coffee


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