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Homeless But Not Hopeless

April 2012
One day he woke up and realized that he didn't have to live like this anymore

Seven Miles High

April 2012
Daily drinking on a dangerous road got him a DUI and an introduction to AA

Letter from Prison

April 2012
Finding himself locked up yet again, he admitted defeat in his battle with alcoholism

Web Exclusive: Praying for Sanity

August 2011
A bipolar alcoholic was able to use the Twelve Steps to stay on top of both his illnesses

Web Exclusive: It's Never Too Late

August 2011
It look him thirty years to realize that it's never to late to ask for help

Web Exclusive: I Was On My Way

August 2011
A doctor at a detox gave him what he needed to get sober: hope

Downhill Slide

August 2011
She went into her first beer joint at the age of four and life was never the same

Brick by Brick

August 2011
When his life exploded across the evening news, a solid foundation kept him sober

"Honk" If You're Sober

August 2011
A crew of female alcoholics form an indestructible support system

Slim to None

August 2011
After several days in a cheap motel, he wasn't betting heavily on his chances for sobriety


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