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A New Set of Eyes

September 2018
A meditation on seeing the world with the spiritual pair of glasses provided by AA

Group Inventory: A Privilege and a Duty

September 2018
Bringing your group together on a regular basis for formal reflection and inventory taking helps your group—and AA as a whole

No Off-Season In AA

September 2018
It may take a while to get yourself into “AA shape,” but once you do, stick with it—the rewards can be permanent

A Reminder at the Reunion

September 2011
A 50th high school reunion afforded her an opportunity to make an amends to an old friend

A River Runs Through It

September 2011
After getting sober, a man returns to the valley of his childhood in his imagination and finds his Higher Power

A Letter to My Mother

September 2011
Years after her mother's death, she was able to reconcile with her through a Ninth Step amends

Truth and Recovery

September 2011
He recognized that the only way to stay sober was to get honest with his family about his past actions

Keep the Meeting Going

September 2011
She learned that staying sober is sometimes about returning to basics and keeping it simple

Using the Steps

September 2011
In “Keep the Meeting Going,” She learned that staying sober is sometimes about returning to basics and keeping it simple

Web Exclusive: My Brother, My Keeper

September 2011
A story of two brothers who helped each other get sober


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