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Web Exclusive: A Coffee Pot and a Resentment

October 2011
A group splinters over debates about singleness of purpose

What's On Your Mind

October 2011
In "Considering Crosstalk," a member describes how the perception of this has changed over the decades within the Fellowship

Finding Sober

October 2011
The responsibility of caring for a new-found pet helped this newcomer stay sober in the early days

A Deadly Glow

October 2011
Warm flushed cheeks and a sudden glow made her suspect that there was alcohol in her food

Reflections on the Third Tradition

October 2011
A member describes the importance of the Third Tradition in his sobriety

Our War Stories

October 2011
A member questions the wisdom of action-packed, graphic drunkalogues in meetings

Your Way or AA's Way?

October 2011
Just as there are many varieties of alcoholism, there are many ways to follow the program of AA

Reflections on the Third Tradition

October 2011
A member talks about the practice of that Tradition in his homegroup and how it kept him sober

A Second Time Offender

October 2011
She went to get her license back after a second DUI and found a new life instead

Goodbye to All That

October 2011
A newcomer shares her experiences of giving up a drinking life


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