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Thoughts on the Traditions

July 2014
An AA wonders if we are welcoming enough to newcomers

Starting Out in Al-Anon

July 2014
She didn't think she had a problem with alcohol until she got to the Fourth Step

Pearl and the Pigeon

July 2014
At the time, she couldn't see how these two women in an old pickup truck would help her find her way home

Our Mutual Friend

July 2014
With no AA meeting in prison, he had resigned himself to sharing his Fourth Step via the mail

What's the Problem?

July 2014
For this AA, drinking was definitely the problem

One Night on a Church Playground

July 2014
A teenager shares how, with an old-timer's help, she learned to walk through the pain and love Step Seven

The Metamorphosis of a Firefly

February 2012
Alcohol transformed her into a wild child but AA transformed her into a loving, mature person

Do I Want to Be Right … Or Happy?

February 2012
Rage made her leave the car, but her Higher Power brought her back

Don't Rush Love

February 2012
After a first sober relationship turned into disaster, she learned to listen to others

Cut Me Off

February 2012
Step Two helped him stop convincing the bartender he could have another beer


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