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Do We Just Forgive Fellow AAs?

December 1976

Too Much Drunkalog?

December 1976
Sometimes, in our zeal to qualify ourselves as alcoholics, we forget to tell about our recovery

Sober for Thirty Years

November 1976
One of the earliest members of the first New York AA group, he was also its first "self-proclaimed atheist" - From the May 1968 Grapevine

Bill's Wife Remembers When

November 1976
Coping with brawls and kooky behavior was part of keeping house for the early AA members - From the December 1944 Grapevine

Give My Regards to New York

November 1976
It took him some time to become aware that there was more to AA than his group - From the May 1958 Grapevine

Professor Winkley Invents the Pill

November 1976
Winkley's AA friend is supposed to be the first to try it, but he doesn't after all. . . - From the July 1967 Grapevine

Reality Can Be Uncomfortable

November 1976
But learning to cope with life, people, and situations is vital to our growth - From the July 1971 Grapevine

The Man Who Wanted to Revise the Lord's Prayer

November 1976
Change the Big Book? Change the program? No thanks, not me," says - From the August 1969 Grapevine

The Challenge to Ego in Tradition Five

November 1976
Squabbling ceased when the newcomer's needs turned the group to its primary purpose

Alcoholics Anonymous - Freed Slaves of Drink, Now They Free Others

November 1976
You've heard about the Jack Alexander article all your AA life. . . But have you ever read it?


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