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Magazine Issue


A Whole New World

December 2020 | Remote Communities + Sober Holidays
A daughter returning home for the holidays shares her joy about how AA has transformed her family

Time to be kind

December 2020 | Remote Communities + Sober Holidays
Through a little faith and effort, a husband’s longtime holiday resentment becomes a gift to someone he loves

Wet in a Dry Country

December 2020 | Remote Communities + Sober Holidays
A social worker puts on her AA hat and says a few prayers to help an alcoholic on the other side of the world

A Whole New World

Magazine Issue December 2020 | Topics Emotional Sobriety Family Fun in Sobriety Gratitude Holidays

Time to be kind

Magazine Issue December 2020 | Topics Emotional Sobriety Holidays Spirituality

Wet in a Dry Country

Magazine Issue December 2020 | Topics AA Around the World Remote Communities Service/Into Action Work/Career

Leave it here

May 2019 | Our Big Book–80 Wonderful Years

The bright side

May 2019 | Our Big Book–80 Wonderful Years
She no longer escapes in dark, dingy bars. She’s found her place in the sun

Speaking of humility

July 2018
What? After weeks of research and rehearsal for his big talk about Step Seven they chose a different speaker?

Experience, Strength and Hope

July 2018
He was such a nice guy—why did everyone abandon him? Maybe it was that bottle that contained self-pity as well as vodka


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