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The Hole Within

September 2016
No matter how much he drank, the empty space inside of him could never be filled, until found the Higher Power he had always avoided

Unconditional Surrender

September 2016
When you lose the people you value the most, putting conditions on sobriety can only lead in one direction—back to a drink

Wanted: Emotional sobriety

September 2016
After doing the Steps, a man trades self-seeking for emotional sobriety and a desire to help other alcoholics

The Moon Is the same

September 2016
An autistic alcoholic, sober 25 years, tells the story of how he may seem different on the outside, but the same as other alcoholics inside.

Management 101

September 2016
With God so far and alcohol so near, one active alcoholic makes a crucial decision to hand over the reins of his own life to the “manager of managers”

Sober Sisters

September 2016
Following in her sister’s footsteps, but finding her own path, she discovers that “one day at a time” is more than just a slogan

Hunting the enemy

September 2016
This old-timer saw battles all over the world, but his real foe was always within

The visitor

September 2016
Newly sober and well into his sixties, a man recalls the mysterious stranger who would come to family dinners, but refuse to touch a drop of alcohol.

Finding love in all the right places

September 2016
You don’t find a spouse with every service commitment, but sometimes being in the right Area Assembly at the right time works out quite nicely

Meeting In A Foreign Country

September 2016
Pregnant and far from home, a woman finds a meeting after four months of white-knuckling it, and discovers that experience, strength and hope transcend gender and language


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