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Magazine Issue


Home Group at Rio Rancho

July 2014
For years, he jumped from meeting to meeting until he learned the value of a place called home

Thought Police

July 2014
An AA looks at the issue of feedback and crosstalk in meetings

Someday, Coffee and Honey Buns

July 2014

One Hot Summer Night

July 2014
At a meeting in Florida, when the doors burst open, anything can happen

One Night on a Church Playground

July 2014
A teenager shares how, with an old-timer's help, she learned to walk through the pain and love Step Seven

My Own Private Hell

February 2014
He couldn't stop and he was drinking mouthwash, until AA gave him the key to get free

Making Scents

February 2014
A member challenges meetings to pass the smell test and make AA safe to breathe

One Hot Texas Summer

February 2014
Controversies may come and go, but hopefully not the members

More than Drinking

February 2014
After getting sober, she realized that her problem was a spiritual one

Under a Shining Moon

February 2014
A newcomer has a Third Step experience that opens her up to a new life


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