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Magazine Issue


For Sale

June 2021 | Dating & Relationships
One member shares his thoughts and experience about money, property, prestige and AA

The Way We Treat Others

June 2021 | Dating & Relationships
If I am ever concerned or confused about what to do, I ask myself this question: What is the loving thing to do here?


June 2021 | Dating & Relationships
When he does the Steps, character defects get lifted. But is today the day to be ready to look at this five-syllable word?

Knowing when to Leave

June 2021 | Dating & Relationships
When the time came to end the relationship, she knew what to do, where to go and how to lean into AA

Love and Teamwork

June 2021 | Dating & Relationships
With Steps and a good sponsor, he learned to have a healthy relationship after a wild life of liquor and romantic chaos

A Great Ex-Wife

June 2021 | Dating & Relationships
She thought her relationship would be happily ever after. With the tools that AA gave her, it kind of was

Something Better

June 2021 | Dating & Relationships
Through years of love and loss, some things she knows for sure—good things come and go, we learn from our hindsight and we don’t drink

Discussion Topic

June 2021 | Dating & Relationships
Dating & Relationships

Amends with the ex

June 2021 | Dating & Relationships
Luckily, she got another good look in the mirror before meeting an old flame—this time to check her motives

It takes love

June 2021 | Dating & Relationships
With acceptance, willingness and lots of help, a sober guy heals his way into a true partnership


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