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The Uses and Abuses of Clichs

April 1971
Don't analyze--utilize. But try to understand what they truly mean

Our Slogans--old Sayings Made New

April 1971
A life-support system for beginners, our Slogans grow with us as we grow in the program - The essence of AA

My Car

April 1971
To paraphrase the auto ads: We've changed and it's changed

Problems of Cooperation Between AA and Other Treatment Programs

April 1971
Opinion - Speaking to the 35th Anniversary Convention at Miami Beach, this friend of AA said some things we ought to think about--whether or not we agree with all he says. . .

No Place to Go but up

April 1971
He went a long way down to hit bottom, and the climb back seems like a miracle

Nameless Fears

April 1971
The stark terror of our drinking days sometimes returns as a feeling of impending doom in our sober days

I Was Not Alone with My Fears

April 1971
In AA I found people who knew what I meant when I talked about fear

From Pink Cloud to Pain and Panic

April 1971
Pain is a warning that something is wrong--and that we need to do something about it

9th Step

April 1971
Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. - <emphasis type="italic">This series on the Twelve Steps is written by twelve members of AA, each interpreting one of the Steps as he sees it</emphasis

A Dollar - With Interest

May 1955


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