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Magazine Issue


The motley crew

September 2019 | Young & Sober

Let the fun begin

September 2019 | Young & Sober

Before we are halfway through

September 2019 | Young & Sober
A member takes us on a long, wonderful journey as she makes her Ninth Step amends and clears a path to freedom

Off the sidelines

September 2019 | Young & Sober

Looking for feathers

September 2019 | Young & Sober
An old-timer shares about honesty, laughter and paying attention to life’s subtle messages

Alcoholism At Large

September 2019 | Young & Sober

The Invisible Life Raft

September 2019 | Young & Sober
After more than twenty years sobriety, he continues to be grateful to the program that saved him

Public Information

September 2019 | Young & Sober
How the author became a member of a PI committee—and how service enriches her life

Let the fun begin

September 2019 | Young & Sober
We had a sober softball league in the summer, a sober broomball league in the winter, water-skiing parties...
I called it “sober friends and fun.” AA called it fellowship.

YPAA or bust

September 2019 | Young & Sober
One day, he stumbled into a bunch of young AAs eager to hit the road. That’s when his sobriety went into high gear


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