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Magazine Issue


Up from the Ashes

September 2020 | Living Sober Group
How a mother kept her cool and stayed close to AA as tragedy struck her family and her California town

Faith in the Time of COVID

September 2020 | Living Sober Group
Could she maintain emotional sobriety with the COVID bully at her door? She and her Higher Power had a plan

22 Hours a day

September 2020 | Living Sober Group
During COVID lockdown, literature is his hope

Welcome To 2020

September 2020 | Living Sober Group
No meeting rooms? Share on camera? Unmute? How will we do this? COVID-19 kicked this old-timer’s program into high gear

Still got my marbles

November 2013
It was just a game until booze entered the picture

Fire in the Holler

November 2013
The share that will give us solace may be just around the bend

An Inner Truth

November 2013
Wife or no wife, legs or no legs, a Marine discovers that AA works when you get honest

How the Universe Works

November 2013
The world will spin, but he just doesn’t drink

Eyeliner, Anyone?

November 2013
“The grouch and the brainstorm were not for us.” –Alcoholics Anonymous

The Beauty Queen

November 2013
The prettiest woman in school never knew how much she helped him


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