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Your Voices In My Head

October 2014
An AA thinks back on all the things people in and out of the rooms have said to him about his alcoholism

Voted Least Likely?

October 2014
Although she didn't fit the stereotype of an alcoholic, she became one anyway

Upon a Flimsy Reed

October 2014
On first look, she wasn't sure AA had what she wanted, nor that it would work

The Pilgrimage Together

October 2014
A man reflects on his first sponsor and the things they shared

To Those Who Wait …

October 2014
After not drinking for 25 years, he picked up. Now he has four years sober in AA

What Is Acceptance?

November 1978
From the March 1962 Grapevine

Those Stupid Slogans!

November 1978
They may never win the annual Pulitzer Prize for literature, but every year our slogans help thousands of AAs to win sobriety - From the July 1969 Grapevine

Slips and Human Nature

November 1978
This work, by one of the earliest friends of AA, has become a classic of AA literature - From the January 1947 Grapevine

Go Tell It to the Doctor

November 1978
The doctor thought she ought to be dead and was curious to know why she wasn't - From the May 1967 Grapevine

The Spiritual Angle

November 1978
The Episcopal clergyman who "passed on the spiritual keys by which we were liberated" speaks of the heart of our program - From the October 1955 Grapevine


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