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Welcome to the jungle

December 2021 | Remote Communities & Sober Holidays
Monkeys, snakes, God, loners and newcomers! All are invited to this little AA meeting in the rainforest

800 miles away

December 2021 | Remote Communities & Sober Holidays
Thanks to technology and quick thinking, an isolated alcoholic gets “rescued” by her group back in Colorado

Welcome to the jungle

Magazine Issue December 2021 | Topics On the Cover AA News and Events Homegroup/Meetings Remote Communities

800 miles away

Magazine Issue December 2021 | Topics On the Cover Homegroup/Meetings Relapse Remote Communities

Wisdom to Know

November 1995

Slips and Human Nature

November 1995
Physician-in-Chief of the Charles B. Towns Hospital, be is counted among the founders of AA. In his lifetime be treated some 40,000 alcoholics. - From the January 1947 Grapevine

We Are Not a Bunch of Religious Fanatics!

November 1995
A priest takes a look at our all too often distorted public image - From the April 1972 Grapevine

Letting the Spirit Join In

November 1995
STEP 11: Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God <emphasis type="underline">as we understood Him,</emphasis> praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.

A Second Skin

November 1995

5th Tradition

November 1979
Each group has but one primary purpose--to carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers - From the June 1970 Grapevine


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