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At Wit’s End

July 2023 | Annual Prison Issue

Always Hope

July 2023 | Annual Prison Issue
An oldtimer shares some things he’s learned to keep his head above water on the long, sober swim

Following Directions

July 2023 | Annual Prison Issue
Lost after a swimming trip in the Connecticut woods, an AA couple gets a pleasant surprise

A Treasure To Be Shared

July 2023 | Annual Prison Issue
For 28 years, sharing her experience with another alcoholic never stops reminding her how blessed she is

Safe & Loved

July 2023 | Annual Prison Issue
A gay member shares about his struggles with Step Two and how his grandmother helped out

Until I knew

July 2023 | Annual Prison Issue
A member shares his journey about mentioning drugs and being respectful of AA’s primary purpose

Hole in my soul

July 2023 | Annual Prison Issue
As she struggled to identify, it was sharing about the emptiness inside that finally opened this mom’s heart

Knock Knock Who’s There?

July 2023 | Annual Prison Issue
He had nurtured this resentment about Jack for years. Now it was time to make face-to- face amends. He was ready

Meet Us in Budapest

July 2023 | Annual Prison Issue

Sober in Tamil Nadu

July 2023 | Annual Prison Issue
The Indian government couldn’t stop his drinking and neither could he. So grateful he made it to AA


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