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Magazine Issue


Seven Miles High

April 2012
Daily drinking on a dangerous road got him a DUI and an introduction to AA

Ready for a Second Chance

January 2012
She relapsed after years in the program only to see everything she'd worked for fall apart

Web Exclusive: The Lowest Bottom

January 2012
He had quit drinking many times until one night in a motel turned into a 3-month bender

Web Exclusive: A Christmas Story

December 2011
An oldtimer helps out a newcomer who relasped during the holidays

Sky High

November 2011
An alcoholic's mad search for thrills in sobriety sent her back to the bottle

Four Simple Words

October 2011
A cherished AA slogan comforts a newly sober husband after the loss of his wife

The Road to Nowhere

October 2011
Early in sobriety, she realized that unless she worked the program, she would find herself on the road to relapse

Web Exclusive: Cleaning up after the Hurricane

September 2011
A manual labor job in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina proves to be this woman's spiritual, sober foundation

Web Exclusive: Wrong Number?

September 2011
A chance misdial prevented her from picking up the first drink

Chained to the Beer Fridge

September 2011
He dragged it from Moscow to Texas to Canada ... and right into the rooms of AA


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